

What is tradeExpert?

"tradeExpert" is a Advanced Software Tool that analyzes Index/Stock Futures & Options Price Movements and Gives us the BUY/SELL Signals. Among the given BUY/SELL Signals in all the Contracts, we have to choose the Contract To Trade and Buy/Sell that Contract the next day at the given Signal Price. One can Buy/Sell Contract only above/below the Given Signal Price. The Signal is valid till it gets initiated.

When should i Book Profit?

You should Sell the Contract (Profit Booking) when you have profit more than the Risk (Stop Loss) what you Take of your Investment.

How can i use tradeExpert effectively?

Login to the tradeExpert regularly everyday after 7 PM and Click on the "SearchSignals" and look for the BUY Calls in the Contracts. If you find any BUY/SELL Signal then note down and the next day inform your Broker to Buy/Sell at the given Price.

Is Multiple Profit of Investment, Possible?

Certainly YES. Strictly follow our RULES and Trade with dicipline, you will get this Multiple Times Profit as we said. Hassle Free, Tension Free, Relaxed Trading what we guide you.

Can I do intraday using this tradeExpert?

Not advisable. Dont use this Signals for Intraday Trading. Normally, Intraday Traders gives their Hard Earned Money and Let the Brokers to EARN. We guide you to act SMART and EARN for you and your family.

What is "SearchSignals"?

"SearchSignals" page helps you to find the SIGNALS for a particular Date. You select the Contract and Trade Date for which you want to Look at the Signals, and Click on the "Submit" Button. It lists the available SIGNALS for all the Contracts on that particular Day. Then you have to Select the Contract what you shall BUY the next day based on our Procedures. By Default Last Trading date will be taken. However, you can use past date also for backtesting.

What is "DataView"?

"Data View" page helps you to see the Price movement of particular Contract everyday. You can see the OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE of a particular Contract everyday from the starting of the Contract to the Expiry of the Contract. Past Data also available. You can see, where the on which data the BUY Signal has come and how the price moved up and multipled.

This is just a test?

This is just a test